Vegans Sunscreen

Vegans Sunscreen

The Vegan diet boasts an array of incredible health benefits. A completely plant-based diet has been proven to enhance overall vitality and potentially lower the risk of developing many diseases. With the arrival of Summer and a record number of plant-based eaters worldwide, it is worthwhile exploring if vegans need sunscreen? Are they able to…

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

Jealous of your neighbors’ vegetable garden? Well, this year there is no need to be! Here are a few easy tips on preparing your soil for a nutritious and luscious veggie garden. Your garden needs the right soil to grow nutritious vegetables. Only a few gardeners are blessed with naturally occurring soil, known as loam….



There’s something special about hitting the beach on a perfect day and taking advantage of waves when the swell builds up. But we surfers are all fully aware of one of surfing’s greatest drawbacks: back pain. So is surfing good for your back? And why do you feel that pain every time you paddle out?…



Making your homemade bread became a lockdown trend. The tantalizing smell as a fresh loaf emerges from the oven is carb heaven. But if that first bite is tasteless, the disappointment is thick as butter. How to fix it? Homemade bread is often tasteless due to over-kneading, bread is fermenting too fast, or the yeast…



Karate boards, or Makiwara as they are called in Japan, are extremely strong and flexible pieces of equipment. Originally from Okinawa, they are an essential part of any karate club. During the course of daily classes, they will take quite a pounding from the students. So do they break? Does the Sensei have to install…

Logo Colors

Logo Colors

Whether you are beginner graphic designer or an entrepreneur starting up your own business you have faced the inevitable point of creating a logo design. Logos are an important part of branding any business or product and designing a good distinguishable one is no easy task. During the design process, it is easy to get…



“Was my Dachshund too skinny?” is a question that keeps on haunting me ever since I was the owner of an adorable Dachshund a few years ago. I showered him with love and gave him the best dog food money could buy, but unexplainably, he just wouldn’t gain any weight. Throughout his tail-wagging nine years…



We all know how expensive cologne is, so of course, we’re careful with it, making sure not to drop the bottles or forget them at our girlfriend’s house or whatever. But a major concern I’ve come upon recently just as summer is coming up here is whether or not my nice new cologne will evaporate,…



If you’re looking to get fit or burn some calories but would rather pop into your serene spa than go to the gym, I get you! Wouldn’t we all prefer lying down and possibly falling asleep while all the hard work gets done for us? Here’s the thing, while a massage is probably not going…

Game Controllers

Game Controllers

Being a gamer myself, I know the anxious feeling of waiting for the new system’s price to drop all too well. With each new generation of gaming consoles, the price of controllers has gotten more and more expensive. As we all know, gaming controllers have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. With each change,…

Tennis Shoes

Tennis Shoes

I am a tennis player and an avid runner. I had to do some research to find out if tennis shoes are good for running and walking. I can only afford one sports shoe at a time. My research and putting this theory to practice have led me to the following: Tennis shoes are perfect…



If you are one of those people that desire to build a ripped and muscular summer body, then I suggest getting a set of dumbbells. Dumbbells are considered one of the most effective weight training equipment to get your body ripped. The current pandemic has us staying in our homes more often, and therefore a…